Does you home landscape work with natural Florida? Our seasons are defined by long periods of draught followed by periods of frequent heavy downpours. Conventional landscape designs encourage flow of rainwater offsite as quickly as possible, then require expensive irrigation. Low impact design (LID) mimics nature by treating rainfall as a benefit rather than a nuisance in our yards and encouraging the capture and use of rainwater on site. Common LID applications include rain gardens, pervious pavers, canopy trees and cisterns. Successful applications of LID can have many benefits, including: more attractive landscaping year round; reduced maintenance effort and costs; higher “curb appeal” and value; and a cleaner, healthier Phillippi Ceek and Sarasota Bay.
Our yards are connected to Phillippi Creek by over 100 miles of canals that collect water flowing over 56 square miles. Rainfall that soaks into the ground nourishes our landscapes and recharges the water table. Excess rainfall that’s allowed to run off our yards carries nutrients from pet waste and fertilizer and other pollutants that feed algae blooms and harm aquatic life, impacting the places where we fish, swim and play. By reducing pollutant laden stormwater runoff, LID can improve the beauty and value of your home, neighborhood and our environment. You’ve probably already noticed LID being used by your neighbors. Consider what’s possible for your yard.
A Rain Garden is a shallow planted area that collects rainfall from roof downspouts so it can quickly soak into the ground instead of running into the street.
Canopy Trees and Shrubs with large leafy surfaces can intercept rainwater before it hits the ground, allowing more water to soak into the ground or evaporate.
Rain Barrels and Cisterns can capture clean rainwater and store it for irrigation later when plants really need it.
Florida-friendly Plants grow naturally in our subtropical climate without fertilizers, pesticides and mowing. There is a huge variety of hearty colorful choices.
Pervious Pavers or Shell are beautiful alternatives to concrete. They allow rainwater to recharge our groundwater.
Groundcover Plants create a low maintenance alternative to lawns, with no need for fertilizer, pesticides or mowing.