What’s your view of the creek?
Baby Manatee Rescue
Manatee Escort Herd
Jenny, Jemp, and Ellie
Manatee Love
Oaks and Paddles
Mangroves at the Mouth of the Creek
Aerial photo of the mouth of Phillippi Creek
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Barbie doll and teeter totter, holiday lights and a hand saw … 299 pounds of trash and 35 pounds of recyclables retrieved from Phillippi Creek by 28 paddlers at the 2019 creek cleanup!
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Creek Cleanup 2019
Halton Boys On The Creek 1960’s
Halton Old Jumping boat in front of Halton home
Gators & Gray Heron
Two gators sunning when along comes a heron. The heron slowly walks past and leaves since the gators seem more interested in him as a meal….
Paddle Cleanup
Paddling the Creek
Close Encounter
This small gator surprised the turtle that had been sunning itself on the creek.
Otters on the Creek
Saw these two otters this morning after they had found a secluded spot for mating
Snapping Turtle
Is it an Alligator Snapping Turtle or Common Snapping Turtle? You tell me. Photo taken in Red Bug Slough, part of the Phillippi Creek watershed.
Young Manatee heading up river
I heard a big splash out in the creek, so I headed out to see what it was, and was lucky enough to observe this little guy feeding, and making his way up river. 😊
Creek Critters 1
Living on the creek has been wonderful! Here’s just a few of the critters we’ve “captured”
Creek Critters 2
Living on the creek has been wonderful! Here’s just a few of the critters we’ve “captured”
Creek Critters 3
Living on the creek has been wonderful! Here’s just a few of the critters we’ve “captured”
Alligator Gar in Phillippi Creek
Diet: mostly fish but sometimes water fowl and small mammals
Habitat: they can adapt to various salinities from freshwater lakes to brackish creeks and bays along the Gulf of Mexico
Behavior: they float a few feet below the surface and wait for prey to swim within reach.
Did you know: the fossil record traces their existence to the early cretaceous over a hundred million years ago!
Eastern Screech Owlets
These owlets were born this summer in our mango tree and stuck around for a few months. We lost part of the tree in Irma – hopefully they still come back next spring! This is our third year having owlets hatch.
Great Blue Heron
Roseate Spoonbills
Roseate Spoonbills in a Eucalyptus Tree Creekside.
Oak over creek
I'm in! Send me stories and tips for creek friendly living.
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